Operation Mobilize Grandma
When Mom-mom is sick and has a hard time with the steps, it pains everyone around. Doug went to work with the idea of a ramp for mom-mom. I'm pretty sure a couple days of no sleep was included in that to, cause once something is in his head he's pretty determined. So Friday night Doug and Lily went to Lowes and the adventure started early Saturday morning. By Saturday night ramp was almost done. Sunday & Monday Lily stained the frame of the ramp while we worked. Tuesday Lily helped me poly the frame and put it all together when Doug came home that night. When we took it over to Mom-moms on Wednesday she had a smile on her face about the ramp and laughed about the grandkids skating down it.
This ramp is made into TWO parts for easy removal. So once Mom-mom regains strength can be removed for the use of the steps again.
Know someone who could use a removable ramp inside their house?